How To Predict Specific Time Using Tarot

How To Predict Specific Time Using Tarot

Phew! The reading turned out positive, with the querant relieved to know that she and her sister will eventually reconcile. Next, she asks the question that many tarot readers dread; “When?” Many readers not only cringe at the question, but altogether avoid answering it. The general script among such readers reads similar to this, “Well, […]

Egg Cleansing

Egg Cleansing

One effective means of cleansing yourself, or another, of negative energy is with an egg cleansing. Known as “Limpia” in Spanish, the act of using an egg of draw out adverse energy and its related ailments has been adopted by magical practitioners from a variety of traditions throughout North America. I know practitioners who are […]

Le Language Des Yeux

Le Language Des Yeux

Came across this and am inspired by it. According to this I’m fickle, which I’m guessing in French means the same. Can’t quite make out what’s in the top right, a piggy perhaps? Then again in the bottom left, maybe a pansy? Regardless, its rockin’ some weird and sexy vintage conjure. My eyes want to […]

We’ve Got Our Mojo Workin’

A Mojo Bag can be made for many uses, with many magical ingredients. At Modern Conjure our knowledge of traditional folk magic, our values and expertise, our power and passion go into the creation of each Mojo, whether you call it a Gris Gris, Toby, Lucky Hand, Jomo, Trick or Root Bag we have a […]