Black Rose Witchcraft FAQs

If you have questions about your account, our Administrative Aide is available to help you, and can be reached at

Our support staff will respond as soon as possible, however It may take up to 72 hours to receive a response. Be sure to read this FAQ thoroughly as well as the main site’s FAQs for before contacting support.


How Often Will I Receive Instructions?

New lessons will become available every seven days, starting the date you joined. YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE THEM IN YOUR INBOX. They will automatically unlock based on the date and time of your registration. You must log-in to the site and go to the lessons page to check to see if your next lesson has become available. You are expected to read and perform the exercises and rituals given in one lesson before starting on the next. You are, however, welcome to take the lessons at your own pace (though new lessons will not unlock earlier than each seven days). If one week’s lesson takes you a month to complete, that’s fine. Your next lessons will be unlocked and waiting for you on the site when you want them.


Where do I find my lessons?

Lessons can be found on the lessons page.  Make sure to check this page each week and click the appropriate lesson to see if you have been given access, as you will not receive a notification when the lessons have been unlocked. The lesson page is accessible from the main menu, which will take you to the following address

We advise that you bookmark this page to make it easier.


Why can’t I access my next lesson?

This is the number one question we receive. It is likely because the next lesson has not yet had time to unlock. Lessons automatically unlock once per week. If you sign up on a Monday then lesson 1 will be immediately available and lesson 2 will become available the following Monday. Lesson 3 will unlock a week after that, and so on. This is true whether you are on the monthly subscription or if you paid in full.


What Is Expected Of Me?

Training consists of reading materials and guided rituals/meditations. Students may wish to do certain exercises daily, but we ask that you make a commitment to do them at least four times per week as a minimum. The time involved for these lessons will vary, but on average you can expect to devote between 15-20 minutes per day, with certain lessons and rituals requiring more time. One might expect an average of 3 hours per week.

In addition to performing the weekly lessons, exercises, and rituals as given, you should keep a journal that is just for your work in Black Rose. Here you will document each exercise, meditation, and ritual you perform for this class. Using these journal entries, you are instructed to compile a single digital document (Plain text, Rich Text, Word Doc, or PDF) that briefly describes your experiences with each of the 52 lessons (500 words max per entry, please), making sure that each entry is clearly labeled with their lesson number and making sure that this document includes the name and email address that you used to sign up for your class account, as well as your name on our Discord server.

Involvement with other students, mentors, and initiates of Black Rose is encouraged but nor required. You will receive an invite to our private Discord server with your first lesson. Here you may chat with others in the Black Rose community, share spells, and have access to our growing shared online grimoire, as well as participate in occasional group events and video chats.

Questions concerning class material should be posted in the corresponding Discord discussion channel. FOR EXAMPLE: Questions about material given in lessons 1 through 4 should be directed to the “month-1” channel, while questions about Lesson 30 should be directed to “month-8”. This post should have the word “Question” appear in the beginning of the post.

Questions posted in the Discord channels will be read and answered by fellow students, as well as Black Rose initiates, Sacred Fires students, and BlueRose Practitioners and Dedicants. To ask questions specifically of the teachers, please direct them as a private messages or tag them in your post, as they do not personally maintain the channels.

If you have decided not to join our Discord chat server, please direct all questions to our admin team at and they will direct your email where it needs to go. Please allow up to 72 hours to receive a response.

Black Rose distributes lessons via links from the web-storage service Dropbox. DO NOT COMMENT directly through those links/pages, as comments posted in this way will not be read. Comments posted to Dropbox links/pages do not count toward your check-ins. If you have questions, email the admin at, or message the Mods/Faculty on the class’ Discord space.

Behavior that is threatening, insulting, rude, flaming, or toxic will not be tolerated. An admin will give you a gentle warning if necessary and repeated offenders will be dropped with no refunds being given.


How Do I Use the site?

If you are logged in and you visit the main Black Rose area (direct link:  you will see several choices on the class menu bar.

‘Lessons’ is a page with links to each lesson in Black Rose, arranged in thirteen monthly sections which contain 4 weekly lessons for that month. ‘Lesson 1: Month 1, Week 1’ becomes available the moment you signed up and were granted access to the class. After that each seven days the next lesson will ‘unlock’ and you will be granted access. Simply return to this page after access has been granted and you will find the link active.

‘Teachers’ provides links to the individual booking pages for our teachers, Chas, Devin, and Storm. Private sessions can be booked here at a discounted rate, exclusive to Black Rose members.

‘Resources’ is a place where you can find supporting information for the Black Rose work, such as links to our online store where you can purchase supplies, order magical services such as Setting Lights, or check out our recommended reading list. You can also find a discount code usable at

‘FAQs’ is this page which is updated as needed.

And finally, ‘Calendar’ provides a Google calendar detailing events pertinent to Black Rose.


How do I access the monthly discussion channels on Discord?

In the first lesson of each month you will find a secret password that will enable you to unlock the corresponding monthly discussion channel. Once you have joined the Discord server you will be given a set of rules and guidelines as to how and where to use these passwords. For questions specific to our Discord server we encourage you to contact the Moderators there, but you can always email the admin at for assistance.


Will Initiation be automatic, or will I have to qualify?

If you do the work and send in your lesson experience document as requested then you will be eligible for initiation. This initiation will occur in the context of a live trance journey led by Storm, in a group session using the free web-service Zoom. The final lesson contains instructions on how to apply for the ceremony. You will receive further instructions at that time.


How Do I Petition for the Initiation? 

Once you have completed the course you are eligible to apply for the Black Rose Initiation ceremony. This is a free group trance given over Zoom that seeks to awaken the “Witch Power” within the student. To book this session, simply use the widget that appears in the final lesson. (Alternatively, you can schedule a PRIVATE ceremony at a discounted rate, by using the link in the final lesson.)

Availability for these sessions is limited. Bookings are only available with two-weeks or more lead-time, in order to give Storm time to review your lesson document. Once you have booked, you will send this document to Storm (@Faerywolf in our private Discord server) for him to begin his review. Only students who have completed the course and have submitted their posts to Storm are eligible for the Black Rose initiation. Bookings that fail to adhere to these conditions will be canceled. Only send this document when you have completed the course and make your booking. Documents that contain only partial entries will be rejected. 


Once Initiated, will anyone I initiate also have a lineage?

No. The Black Rose initiation can be viewed as similar to a “first degree” which, traditionally, does not confer the authority to initiate others. Black Rose is a beginning-to-intermediate level school.


If I use this material in my Coven, will they be a “Black Rose” coven?

You could say it is “Black Rose inspired” or something like that, but Black Rose is a specific school taught only by Chas Bogan, Devin Hunter, and Storm Faerywolf. As of right now there is no “Black Rose lineage” as the lineages that we offer take place in the context of the private work that is available after the Black Rose curriculum has been completed. This work is by invitation only.


How Long Can I Remain Here?

Our goal is to foster an online coven and community of magic adoring individuals, and as part of our coven, you are encouraged to continue to actively participate in the forums and events here after you have completed the course.

Members who do not complete the course and are inactive for two years will have their accounts deleted.

Members who encounter hardships amidst this course are encouraged to contact the admin team at to see what alternatives may exist to aid them in completing the course and remaining part of our community.

Members of our Discord server who have been inactive for 30 days AND who have no “role” will be periodically kicked from the server. You may always rejoin by visiting the first lesson and using the invite there.

How do I change my billing details?

If you paid using PayPal then you will need to log on to PayPal and adjust your subscription there. For all other payment types you can simply log in to your University account and click “My Account”. This will take you to a page with your account details. From there, click “Update Billing Details” in the Subscription section and enter the new information. Note: This does not look like a link. See screenshot for example:

How do I cancel my membership?

Cancel by emailing the admin at from the same email address that you used to sign up. You will receive confirmation of your cancellation, usually within 24-72 hours of receipt. If you do not receive a confirmation in that time, please send a follow-up email and/or check your SPAM folder.


I was previously a student and wish to return. Can I start again where I left off?

Once your account has been canceled, you may return and start back where you left off anytime within a period of two years by emailing the admin at After that, your inactive account may be deleted and you will need to start back at the beginning should you later wish to return to your studies.


What is your refund policy?

We do not offer refunds for any reason.

If you signed up and paid using the monthly subscription system you can cancel at any time and avoid being charged further by emailing (Since payments are done by the whole month if you cancel after your months’ payment has cleared then you will still receive the remaining month’s materials before the cancellation takes effect.)

If you have any other questions or concerns about this policy please contact the admin team before enrolling. Once you are enrolled you are agreeing to these terms.


Who Are Able To Read My Comments?

Access to the various discussion channels on our private Discord server are configured based on level of course completion. Many areas on the server (such as The Black Book, the General Members Lounge, and the Grimoire) are open to all members of Black Rose. There are also areas open only to Initiates. The Homework & Lessons channels can be only be read by the teachers, other active students, and those Black Rose initiates who have been approved into our Mentor program.


Are There Items I Need To Buy?

Not necessarily, however we are currently working on a shopping list of items that you may purchase from our store website.

As an active student in Black Rose you will receive a code for 15% off your purchases. Active members can find the code HERE.

As local business owners we also encourage you to support the metaphysical store in your own community, provided there is one. Also, a good Witch knows how to make do with whatever is on-hand, therefore costs can be kept to minimum if that is a concern.


Any Other Questions…

Despite our best efforts, we may not have thought of everything, and you are free to respond to this post with whatever questions are important to you.

If you wish to contact our admin team directly, please email and they will get back to you ASAP.


I haven’t received a response from the Administration Aide yet…

The Administration Aide tries to check the emails each weekday and to respond as quickly as possible. Please allow up to 72 hours to receive a response. We do not check email on weekends or holidays. We appreciate your patience.