What Are My Responsibilities Regarding Assignments

How Often Do I Receive Instructions

Are There Items I Will Need To Buy

How Long Will My Membership In This Group Last

What Happens If I Stop Paying For This Course

Any Other Questions

How Often Do I Receive Instructions?

Lessons automatically unlock every seven days, down to the minute, based on when you signed up. You will receive no notification when your next lesson unlocks, so make sure to bookmark the lesson page and check it regularly to see if you have access to your next lesson.

The weekly instruction is composed of what we think you most need to know about a subject. We encourage you to take advantage of the Discord chat server, assignments, and other material provided in order to further your knowledge of Conjure at the depth and pace your feel most comfortable with.


What Are My Responsibilities Regarding Assignments?

This course is divided into a dozen parts, each of which has an assignment associated with it.

Completing all assignments is a requirement for receiving a certificate of completion for this class.

Provided that your course fees are current you will receive your lesson for the next part even if you have not completed the assignment for the previous part.

Assignments can be accessed from the menu bar above titled “Lessons” the direct link to which is HERE

Many of our classes distribute lessons via links from the web-storage service Dropbox. DO NOT COMMENT directly through those links/pages, as comments posted in this way will not be read. Comments posted to Dropbox links/pages do not count toward your homework check-ins. If you have questions, email the admin at university@modernwitch.com​, or message the teachers on the Modern Conjure Discord space.


Are There Items I Need To Buy?

Not necessarily, however we are currently working on a shopping list of items that you may purchase from our online shop, Datura Trading CoAs an active student in Modern Conjure you may use a discount code to receive 15% off your purchases. You can find this code in Lesson One. 

As local business owners we also encourage you to support the metaphysical store in your own community, provided there is one. Also, a good Conjure worker knows how to make do with whatever is on-hand, therefore costs can be kept to minimum if that is a concern.

How Long Will My Membership In This Group Last?

You may continue to have access to the site and the Discord group after you have completed the course. So long as you are not disruptive in your behavior then we are happy to have you remain part of our community here.

What Happens If I Stop Paying For This Course?

If you stop paying for this course then you will stop receiving lessons and instructions and may be expelled from the Discord chat server. Graduates of the course are granted a lifetime membership in our Discord and will have access to updated materials as they are posted.