Black Rose is a “13-month” online journey into the Craft of the Witch. Drawing from several different traditions of witchcraft and folk-magic, Black Rose will teach you how to meditate, clear your energy, cast a circle, invoke the elements, work with deities, cast effective spells, and more.
The curriculum is centered around monthly themes from which four weekly lessons will be unlocked. These lessons come in the form of recorded discussions, written and artistic materials, and guided trance journeys via MP3s. Add to this a thriving and supportive online community on Discord, and you will experience the finest quality training in the Craft.
All for only $35 per month.
Monthly themes are:
1. Opening the Way: Beginning the Journey of Black Rose Witchcraft
2. Spiritual Anatomy: The Three Souls of Humankind
3. The Red Thread: The Witch Power And the Lineage of the Craft
4. Discovering your Powers: The Path of Psychic Development
5. Metaphors, Archetypes, and Otherworldly Beings: Exploring The Gods of Witchcraft
6. Conjuring Air: Incense, Mental Magic, and Sigils
7. Conjuring Fire: Candles, Flames, and the Power of Passion
8. Conjuring Water: Cleansing, Baths, and the Dreaming
9. Conjuring Earth: Herbs, Stones, and the Power of Place
10. Conjuring Aether: Spirits, Powers, and Shifts of Consciousness
11. The Arcane Stars: Planetary Energies and the Zodiac
12. The Dark Arts: Offensive & Defensive Magic
13. Initiation: Awakening the Witch Power
The Black Rose initiation is a ceremony designed to awaken the “witch power”; the hidden potential in certain individuals to direct the primal forces of the world and bend them to their will.
While every effort is made to ensure the effectiveness of the rite, owing to the unique nature of magic and spirit, not everyone who receives the initiation rite will experience the inner awakening. Students who have completed the curriculum are welcome to receive it again for no charge as long as there is room in the class. Preference is given to those students who have not yet received the rite.
Students of the Black Rose School of Witchcraft enjoy:
15% Off at DaturaTrading.com
Monthly Audio Lessons
Expertly crafted Audio Meditations
Live Video Events
Over 200+ pages of Original Content
for your Book of Shadows
Online community support in our active Discord server
World Class Teachers
& Weekly Content
The Black Rose School of Witchcraft is a unique learning experience for modern practitioners of the craft who wish to dive deeper into the mysteries of the Craft. We were founded by three of today’s leading teachers on the subject: Storm Faerywolf, Chas Bogan, and Devin Hunter.
What makes Black Rose so unique? Our lessons contain threads of magic from several different magical and witchcraft traditions, including the Anderson Faery (Feri) Tradition, Dianic Witchcraft, Wicca, “Sabbatic Craft,” and American folk magic. This means that our material has been fleshed out and enhanced to bring our students the most well-rounded approach to the craft possible.
Listen to a special “sneak preview” of Black Rose on the Modern Witch Podcast.
Enroll in Black Rose
Already enrolled? Click here!
$35 A Month
with a Year’s Subscription:
In this thirteen-month online course, you will be exposed to various practices of magic, spirituality, and witchcraft, which are informed by several different yet resonant schools of traditional magical praxis. This course draws on the knowledge and experience of three different teachers of the Craft who are each initiates in various forms of witchcraft, both traditional and modern.
Each month, you will get recorded material in which Devin, Chas, and Storm will discuss the philosophies and practices central to that month’s theme. Weekly lessons pertaining to that theme will be unlocked and come in the form of written materials and art in PDF format, suitable for printing out and putting in your Book of Shadows. You will also get pre-recorded trance journeys via MP3s and pre-recorded rituals that you will perform alongside. Some lessons will require the performing of certain rituals in which simple materials, such as candles, salt, and some herbs may be required. These items may be purchased at Datura Trading Co. or your local occult shop. Some lessons will require focused writing or even the creation of art. You will be expected to record your experiences with this work in a personal journal and, at the end of the course, to privately submit a brief description of your experiences with each lesson.
For those individuals who may wish to augment this work with live sessions, we offer active students of Black Rose 1/2 off our normal hourly rate. You will be given special instructions on how to book these sessions with us. These extra sessions are not required but can be used to better help you with certain aspects of the work by having us lead you in a trance or simply engaging in a deeper discussion than a text-chat exchange can generally allow.
During the course of this class, you will be expected to engage in a regular meditative practice, perform certain rituals, keep a journal, and even create art. Since there is no homework to turn in, you are responsible for making sure that you perform the rites to the best of your ability. In this class, as in life, you will get out precisely what you put in. There are no substitutes for experience.
Members are given an invite to our private Discord server, where they can connect with a thriving community of magical practitioners, as well as access to the private Black Rose area of the website where members can access our resources, view the Black Rose Events Calendar, and more.