About Modern Witch University
Modern Witch University is on online classroom offering classes on magic and spirituality to the public. Formerly, “The Mystic Dream Academy” we are continuing a legacy of offering quality spiritual education that spans back more than thirty years. We were first established in 1989 as “Dolphin Dream” a brick-and-mortar retail shop and healing center in the San Francisco East Bay which offered classes, readings, and healing sessions to the public. We have since expanded and are now happy to offer classes and workshops all over the globe, as close as your home computer or mobile device. After signing up for a class with us you will become part of a thriving online community, with access to our private Discord™ discussion servers and a calendar of events to keep you engaged in your spiritual practice.
Friendly, knowledgeable, and experienced teachers.
We have an ever-growing online community of past and present students on our active chatrooms and message boards!
We offer both on demand classes as well as longer term classes that you can begin at any time!
Our teaching team is constantly adding and updating course materials and our online community offers a rich interactive learning experience.
On Demand Classes
Our On Demand Classes give you everything you need immediately upon enrollment. There is no schedule, no homework, no one to be accountable to except yourself. Learn completely on your own terms.

Spiritual Cleansing is the process of removing negative conditions from yourself and your environment. In the same way that it is important to wash our teeth and bodies from the filth they accumulate, it is important to spiritually cleanse one’s self of the negative energies we encounter in modern life. This class covers the essential techniques needed to remove the impurities that sicken and suppress your wellbeing. Lessons cover the following topics:
-How to use sacred smoke to cleanse yourself and your environment
-How to bless water for ritual consumption
-How to prepare and complete a spiritual bathing
-How to cleanse using sound
-Includes a guided meditation for purification
Extended Classes
Our Extended Classes take place over time, with new lessons becoming available weekly or monthly, giving you time to engage and practice your new knowledge in-between lessons.

Black Rose Witchcraft
Thirteen months of weekly lessons comprise our curriculum, giving you a complete education in the art of witchcraft. These lessons are practiced at your own pace, and are presented in various forms of media, including easy to read written lessons; illustrated versions for you to download and compose a Black Rose book of shadows; recorded podcasts; guided audio trance journeys; binaural musical orchestrations; forum discussions and live chats. Together with our thriving community you will learn to expand your consciousness, psychic abilities, and commune with the magical world that has long been calling your name. Eligibility for initiation into our coven awaits for those who complete the course.
Blue Lotus Reiki
Founded by Reiki master and teacher Storm Faerywolf, the Blue Lotus school of Reiki incorporates practices from various lineages of Reiki. In addition to traditional Usui style Reiki, the Blue Lotus school currently offers classes and attunements in Usui-Tibetan, Kundalini, and Blue Fire Reiki. Much as the lotus flower unfolds amidst calm waters to absorb the warm energy of the sun, so also will students of Blue Lotus Reiki be attuned to draw on the vital life force that is the essence of the Reiki experience. With Storm’s expertise guiding you, energy and healing and all that Reiki has to offer is well within your grasp. Become part of this powerful Reiki lineage.

A Course In Modern Conjure
A Course In Modern Conjure is the collaborative curriculum of Chas Bogan and Storm Faerywolf, both experienced root workers with individual Conjure doctoring practices. Having repeatedly taught this course at their store The Mystic Dream, they have reworked their lessons to suit an online setting, integrating new materials such as art, music and video in order to enhance their teaching. You will be encouraged to work hands-on with various herbs, curios, oils, and other magical paraphernalia. Our study will focus on various traditions of American folklore, such as Hoodoo, Southern Conjure, Pow-Wow, and more, including work with various written texts such as the King James Bible and certain Grimoires.
Advanced Classes
Our Advanced Classes are available for those who meet certain requirements. Those requirements are different for each Advanced Training class.
Blue Rose Faery
Faery is a form of American Traditional Witchcraft derived from the teachings of Victor and Cora Anderson and passed down through their various initiates. A rich and diverse spiritual art, Feri seeks to transform the individual through practices of ritual magic, meditation, and energy work. Faery draws power from various cultures and their magical systems including Huna; Conjure; Voodoo; Tantra; Celtic Folklore; Christian Mysticism; Yezidi Mythology; Greek Gnosis; and others, and continues to integrate the magic and mysteries of ancient and evolving cultures into its rich spiritual tapestry. This is an intermediate to advanced level course. PREREQUISITE: Black Rose Witchcraft