The Golden Wheel Fortune-Teller

The Golden Wheel Fortune-Teller

From: The Golden Wheel Dream-Book and Fortune-Teller Published by Dick & Fitzgerald, 1862 THE GOLDEN WHEEL OF FORTUNE. This singular wheel was much consulted in the middle ages, and la said to have been used by Cagliostro to aid him in his divination I have...
Group Functionality

Group Functionality

Some of you have asked “what is the function of the Groups on this site.” After some deliberation we have concluded that their main function is to: a. provide a structure for various plug-ins to work from b. provide redundancy and general confusion For this reason I...
Group Functionality

Links to Forum Pages

We are currently adding links to the bottom of each lesson that leads to its forum, making it that much easier to share your thoughts. Our Course In Modern Conjure has links already, by we will be adding image links in the future for a more elegant solution. Here is...
Group Functionality

I’m Not Your Friend, Buddy

Our site has the option to friend people. I hear you saying to yourself “I have plenty of friends, why bother with more, it’s just one more birthday a year I have to acknowledge.” Listen Pal, I’m with ya, but there are some benefits to...