On Demand Classes
On Demand Classes offer complete and immediate materials for you to view and download, a full education given to you at once so that you may enjoy it at your own pace, according to your own schedule.
Spirit Guide Connection
“There is no such thing as not possessing the spiritual knowledge to access your Spirit Guides. That knowledge is embedded deep in your DNA just like the knowledge of how to breath, it’s automatic and instinctual. There is also no such thing as a person who was born without a Spirit Guide. We all have at least one primary guide and depending on what your life’s purpose is there will be several guides that come and go in your life.”
The Witches’ Forge: Working the Iron Pentacle
Coming soon!
The Iron Pentacle is a core tool of self-exploration and empowerment, originating in the Faery tradition of witchcraft. As a psychic diagnostic tool it provides the practitioner with the ability to better see what areas of our lives may be fraught with obstacles or wounds that would weaken us, as well as provide the necessary space to heal whatever imbalances that may arise, and claim more of our full power.
This class will provide the necessary tools to engage in the deep work of forging the witches’ soul: of honing our skills and deepening our power. With written materials, art projects, journal prompts, guided trance journeys, and assigned rituals, Storm Faerywolf expertly guides the practitioner on a journey into their own souls to embark on a quest to find the hidden power of the witch.