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You will need to grind equal parts of the following into a fine dust. A coffee grinder will serve you well with this, although the deer antlers are best shaved first with a cheese grater, and the resulting shavings added to the grinder. Chicory Coffee Cocoa Powder Jasmine Flowers Deer Antler Sprinkle some of this […]
Business Draw
Traditionally, such an incense would be burned in one’s shop or office, to literally draw customers and clients through the door. In the modern age, when so much commerce and business is done digitally, it can be used wherever you do business, to serve as a conduit to lift your prayers to heaven or send […]
Cleansing Incense
Cleansing incenses purge negativity with smoke, leaving an environment or body spiritually clean. Ingredients are often chosen for their known purgative effects, or for their strong scent–as it is believed that devils are chased away by certain odors. The following recipes are best burned on a charcoal. +++ Holy Breath Incense Mix equal parts: Crushed […]